FORDOG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supporting Phoenix Dog Park, Fair Oaks, CA and all contributions are tax deductible.
Send a tax deductible donation on-line by PAYPAL or Credit Card, or send a check payable to FORDOG to the address below:

      c/o:  FORDOG
     8863 Greenback Ln., #114
     Orangevale, CA  95662


FORDOG is a community partner with the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District.   For emergencies:   Call 911;   General Park Information:  916-966-1036;   Maintenance Emergencies:  916-240-3651


FORDOG believes responsible dog ownership involves keeping our companion dogs happy and healthy. We believe that in order for dogs to be healthy and well-socialized, they need off-leash time to exercise and play with other dogs. Dogs which are socialized and get plenty of regular exercise are more adjusted to people and other dogs, are unlikely to be aggressive and dangerous, and are healthier than pent-up or unsocialized dogs.

FORDOG is committed to working with the public and elected and appointed officials to ensure that parks are a benefit to everyone and to educate them about dog-related issues and the value of off-leash recreation. We seek respectful, enlightened coexistence with other park users through properly supervising and maintaining appropriate conduct of dogs off-leash.

Our philosophy can be summed up by the simple statement:

"It takes a village to raise a dog."



FORDOG was created in 2001 as an informal group of volunteers. Our purpose was to serve as liaison between the users of the off-leash facility at Phoenix Park and the Fair Oaks Park and Recreation District staff; to provide and coordinate volunteers for special maintenance or renovation projects at the dog park; and to recommend rules and management policies to the District in regard to the dog park.

Along the way, we evolved into a fundraising group - funds to build amenities like shade structures, or undertake special improvements such as better drainage around water areas - and a "community education" group, to help keep the dog park safe and clean.

In March of 2009, the Fair Oaks Responsible Dog Owners Group filed Articles of Incorporation with the California Secretary of State. By-laws were completed the following month. We have since been recognized by both the State of California and the IRS as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.


We continue to be a strictly volunteer organization:  no member of our Board of Directors receives any form of compensation.  Our purposes have changed only a little.  As stated in our By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation, those purposes are to:
  1. Work with the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District as a Community Partner to ensure that public dog parks in Fair Oaks provide clean, safe, and well-maintained facilities for off-leash recreation  for dogs and dog owners in the comunity;
  2. Raise funds and coordinate volunteers to provide amenities for public dog parks in Fair Oaks, such as shade structures, bag dispensers, wading pools, safety signs, and other facility improvements not provided by the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District;
  3. Educate users of Fair Oaks dog parks about appropriate dog and owner behavior to ensure the highest possible degree of safety for all park visitors, and educate dog park visitors about canine behavior in general;
  4. Make reports and recommendations to the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District for dog park rules and policies

A copy of the Articles of Incorporation may be found on this website under Guidelines and Rules.

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